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25 October 2021


The future of work has knocked on our doors faster than our imagination. The Covid-19 crisis increased the importance of resilience, innovation, and adaptability. While at the beginning of the lockdown, it was all about virtual engagement and management of employees; but as we progressed, employers figured out ways of working from home, the meaning of flexible work culture for companies, innovative infrastructure, adaptive employment models- thereby helping workforces to become more productive.

As per Deloitte, most organizations’ priority has been crisis response which emphasizes health, safety, essential services, flexible work-life culture, and education. The future of the workplace in the next decade post-pandemic is being moulded by two persuasive forces: The rising adoption of artificial intelligence, and the expansion of the employees including both on- and off-balance-sheet talent. Now as the organizations begin to emerge from this response phase and gradually step into the new normal, there is a spectrum of options and work strategies.

The question is no longer about getting back to the original rhythm of work but more about ‘rethinking work’. As we review the future of work, it is critical to understand what ‘Purpose, Potential and Perspective’ do Organizations attach to these shifting ways of working.

  • Purpose: PetroGas Piping embeds well-being and meaning into every aspect of work every day, thereby harnessing the talent of the workforce to serve the common goal.
  • Potential: We aim to help workers to maximize their potential for thinking, creating, and doing in a world of machines for long-term success.
  • Potential: We view obstacles as opportunities and taking decisive actions to shape the indecisive future.

This then indicates the need for all organizations to pivot towards aiding in the development of a more resilient workforce. Vividly, fostering a new and more dynamic work environment with a clear focus on the well-being of employees, more adaptability, and heightened focus on teamwork.

Employee wellbeing is one of the most crucial pillars for PetroGas Piping as well. We recognize the importance of employee mental health along with physical health.  Today, employee well-being has expanded beyond physical well-being to focus on building a culture of holistic well-being including physical, emotional, financial, social, career, community, and purpose. We understand that special attention needs to be given to make sure good mental health, physical health and prevent any burnout.

As the talent marketplace continues to stir things, organizations are working out future work strategies which are holistic and keep the employee wellbeing at the heart of things. At the same time, we aim to keep our employees actively involved and vocal about the cultural and business dialogues, aligning them with our vision and mission of collective growth of our people intertwined with our commitment to offer world-class piping solutions world over.

To summarize, this pandemic has given employers increased foray and understanding of the life struggles of the employees. It has helped realign and rethink ways of workplace models, shifting from only organizational goals to individual human experiences. Employee well-being now no longer translates to material employee benefit but as an opportunity for organizations to support employees in all aspects of their personal and work lives.